Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Finished Bag

1. How does the design of your bag relate to the meaning of your logo?
The palm trees surround the surfboard, all smaller than the surfboard to make the board look attractive to the eye. 
2. How did you use color, shapes, lines or other elements of art to get the audience's attention and lead them around the bag?
For my color scheme I used a rectangle scheme of orange, green, red and blue. I hand drew the palm trees on the tablet and used them as a stroke and that was what I used to make the lines that go around the bag. I used the opacity effects to make the center line going around become a gradient. 
3. What was the "surprise" you added to keep your audience looking?
The lines that go around lead to the surprise which is the mini logo on the back of the bag.
4. What is the best part of your bag design?

I like the palm trees warm color with the wave in the background that has a blue square over it with the opacity turned own. 

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