Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Finished Bag

1. How does the design of your bag relate to the meaning of your logo?
The palm trees surround the surfboard, all smaller than the surfboard to make the board look attractive to the eye. 
2. How did you use color, shapes, lines or other elements of art to get the audience's attention and lead them around the bag?
For my color scheme I used a rectangle scheme of orange, green, red and blue. I hand drew the palm trees on the tablet and used them as a stroke and that was what I used to make the lines that go around the bag. I used the opacity effects to make the center line going around become a gradient. 
3. What was the "surprise" you added to keep your audience looking?
The lines that go around lead to the surprise which is the mini logo on the back of the bag.
4. What is the best part of your bag design?

I like the palm trees warm color with the wave in the background that has a blue square over it with the opacity turned own. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


1898 Pepsi had very thin letters that were somewhat hard to read, then Pepsi started to make the letters even bolder. In 1905 and 1906 Pepsi was underlined with the C and P, and in 1940 it was only by the C. Then it switched to soda caps, and circles with borders around it to now being just a circle.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Goya Artwork

Type Poster-Bob Dylan

For my poster, I used a rectangle color scheme of red, green, orange and blue. I made the focal point the word find. Each word has at least one image set as a swatch into it. Also many of the words I used a color and brought the opacity down to give it somewhat of a glow. Each word has a line around it to make the word stand out more.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Junior Prom Ticket

I made three different designs for the junior prom tickets. It matches the theme of fall by using colors that represent fall, and I used images of fall colors and such. I used leaves as the bullet points on the first ticket, and then used them on all of the others to help bring out fall.

Friday, October 18, 2013


"I kinda live where I find myself.""It's hard to speculate what tomorrow may bring." -Bob Dylan

Type Poster Progress

The mood of my poster is going to be happy, each letter I'm showing an image of either a place I want to travel to or something I like.
I am using the Tetradic Color scheme, blue, red, orange, green.

Poster Map

Thursday, October 17, 2013


This is implied because its runs your eyes across the page, its diagonal to. Each letter is touching in two spots on each other letter. 


I made this look stable by making it seem like it was on a weight balance, with the weight beings the words stable. Also the word is flipped upside down and connected to each letter. I used a more formal font.


I used an image of the Great Smokey Mountain's state park and live traced and expanded it to make the green and moss come out. The word camouflage is in various places around the image, see if you can find them.

Black on White

I used a gradient to make the black and white background, then put rectangles over it and expanded it. This made the pattern affect and then I wrote black on white over the opposite color. 


I used text on a path tool to make this image look Active. The 2 swirls have active typed along them and they bring you across the page. I used hot colors because when your active your sweating. I also had the word active behind everything to run you off the page.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My Typography

 In this image I made it look like it was loud. The different color lines around the word LOUD amplifies it to make it seem like sound is coming off of the word. Also I used roughen under distort and transform on illustrator to make the word more loud.
For this image I used the word quiet. I made the word in all lower case letters and blurred them to make them seem quiet and soft. I used primaries for the color scheme.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Electronic Design Book

This is my cover for my book. As you can see, my theme was happiness.
For this page I used letters and turned them into patterns and made this design. I used tools like specified steps and blur effect to bring out the letters more than the background. It relates to my theme by using the letters to explain my theme.
For this page, It was all lines. I used the tool specified steps for almost every single line to get the effect that it did. It relates to my theme by
This page, I used the mountains because I'm always happy when hiking in the mountains. I used tools such as Live Trace and gradients.
This page, I used the NT as the focal point because I ride for Native Bikes, and this is the symbol we use and I also have this stitched onto my bike seat.
This place is called Bingham Falls, Stowe, Vermont. I've always wanted to go here and hopefully someday I will. I used it because I love waterfalls and hiking.